Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 EPISODE #1:  Wedding Impossible  Part I                                                                11 to Start

HOST:  Bobby Flay.

JUDGES:  Bob Tuschman, SR. VP. of Programming,

                  Susie Fogelson, VP of Marketing.

                  Many Guest Judges.

PRIZE:  Their Own TV Show,

              2008 Mercury Mariner.


1.  AMY FINLEY                                                                                San Diego, CALIFORNIA

2.  RORY SCHEPISI                                                                           Vega, TEXAS

3.  JOSHUA ADAM GARCIA (JAG)                                                  Havelock, NORTH CAROLINA

4.  PAUL McCULLOUGH                                                                   Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA

5.  ADRIEN SHARP                                                                             Jackson, MICHIGAN

6.  MICHAEL SALMON                                                                      Brooklyn, NEW YORK

7.  TOMMY GRELLA, JR.                                                                   Methuen, MASS.

8.  COLOMBE JACOBSEN-DERSTINE                                             New York City, NEW YORK

9.  NIKKI SHAW                                                                                    Oakland, CALIFORNIA

10.  PATRICK ROLFE                                                                           Seattle, WASHINGTON

11.  VIVIEN CUNHA                                                                             Hermosa Beach, CALIFORNIA

The candidates arrived in New York City at the Carriage House.  After everyone was in the house they found a gift basket with a DVD welcoming them & to get ready for their First Challenge.

ARRIVED AT:  The Food Network Studio  - Studio B.

FIRST CHALLENGE:  Pot Luck Dinner.

- Create a portion of a meal that will represent you. 1 minute to present your meal, 1 Hour to plan, & create your dish.

JUDGES:  The Committee.

- BOTTOM 2:  Patrick & Rory.

- WINNER:  Colombe...

NEXT DAY:  The Cooks received their chef's coats.

ARRIVED AT:  Roosevelt Hotel in the Ballroom.  Duff & Bobby F. are there.

NEXT CHALLEGE:  Decorate a Wedding Cake in 90 minutes either in Fondant or Butter Cream.

- Vivien & Rory made colorful cakes.

- BOTTOM 2:  Vivien & Rory.

- WINNER:  Amy.

- Then Robert Irvine arrived.

NEXT CHALLENGE PART II:  Cater a Wedding for 100 people in 6 hours.  Amy & Colombe... are Captains.

AMY'S TEAMS:  Green - Nikki, Paul, Patrick, Rory.

COLOMBE'S TEAM (Orange) - Michael, Adrien, JAG, & Tommy.

- Each team create their own menu & responsible for one dish.  Budget:  $1,800.00.  No-one picked Vivien so she get to pick her own team & the other team will get an extra $500.00.  She picked Amy' s team.

BRIDE/GROOM:  Jennifer & David  & their dog as the ring bearer.

EPISODE #2:  Wedding Impossible Part II                                                 Still 11.

- Amy's Team is ready & but Colombe is not ready & ran out of food.  They didn't shop for enough food.

EVALUATION ROOM:  Basement of the Carriage House.

The Committee is there with Bobby.

WINNING TEAM:  Green (Amy)

SAFE:  Amy.

TO BE REVIEW:  Adrien, Paul, Tommy, Nikki, & Salmon.  They ALL SAFE.

BOTTOM:  Rory, Colombe, Vivien, JAG, Patrick.

                          DOUBLE ELIMINATION

SAFE:  JAG, Rory, Colombe.

ELIMINATED:  Patrick & Vivien.

EPISODE #3:  Bon Appetit Challenge.                                                            9 Left.

START OFF:  In the Carriage House - Getting Up.

ARRIVED AT:  Studio "B" at Food Network. - Giada De Laurentiis is there.  as Guest Judge.

CHALLENGE:  Bring Food to Life.  A Tag Team Demo. First On- Camera Cooking Demo.  1 minute to demo Giada's recipe.

NEXT CHALLENGE:  90 minutes to create & prep your innovative grilling dish.

PRIZE:  Complete to have your recipe on the cover of July issue.

- MUST:  Look delicious, look like it's a recipe a home Cook can do & need to be something that they will eat.

ARRIVED AT:  Cone Nast Building - Bon Appetit magazine.

- 30 minutes to prep their food & 3 minutes to pitch the dish.

BACK AT THE CARRIAGE HOUSE:  Basement in the Evaluation Rom:

GUEST JUDGE:  Barbara Fairchild, Editor in Chief, Bon Appetit.

- TOP 2:  Michael 7 Rory.

        WINNER:  Rory.

SAFE:  JAG, Amy, Tommy, & Paul.

BOTTOM :  Colombe, Nikki & Adrien.

ELIMINATED:  Nikki -  too Cold on Camera & rehearsal too much.

EPISODE #4:  NBA Chocolate Challenge..                                                      8 Left.

START OFF:  In the Carriage House where many are starting to become home sick.

ARRIVE AT:  Food Network - Guy F.  is there with Darryl Dawkins.

CHOCOLATE CHALLENGE:  45 minutes to come up with your chocolate idea.  

                                     DOUBLE ELIMINATION.

- Now, 30 seconds to present your dish & give a tip on camera.

BACK TO STUDIO:  Guy & Darryl are there.

NEXT CHALLENGE: Invent or throw your personal spin crowd-pleasing food.  Serve it to fans at NEW JERSEY NETS Game on a Hot Dog Cart.  $300. to shop for food & 45 minutes to shop.


- There was a problem with Paul missing a bag & Colombe didn't help.

NEXT DAY:  got up early & went to the stadium.

- Paul's food wasn't hot enough.


- Chocolate Challenge WINNER: JAG,

- NBA Fan - WINNER:  Adrien.

SAFE:  Michael, Rory & Amy.

BOTTOM:  Colombe, Tommy & Paul.

ELIMINATED:  Tommy & Colombe.

EPISODE #5:  Soldier Grub.                                                                   6 Left.

START OFF:  In the Carriage house - where the chefs find a note:  Rise and Shine, Troops.  Get Dressed and report for duty at 0700 hours.  A special guest will meet you with your duty orders.  Get a move on it, Soldiers.

ARRIVED AT:  Fort Dix, in New Jersey.  Went to a Hangar where Giada was there & 2 guests:

Sgt. Major Davidson,

Sgt. Velazquez.

CHALLENGE:  To invent M.R.E. & using the pantry on property in 20 minutes & 1 minute to present your dish.

- BOTTOM:  Adrien & JAG.

- TOP & WINNER:  Paul.

NOW THEY HEAD:  to the Mess Hall.

- Giada & Paula Deen is there.

CHALLENGE:  Taste of Home.  Lasagna, Meat Loaf & Pot Pies.

- Prepare 1 of the entrees & 2 side dishes serve 75 soldier & give 3 minutes presentation. in 2 hours with a partner picked by Paul.

- Paul picked Jag & Meat Loaf for himself,

- Adrien & Michael & Pot Pies,

- Rory & Amy get Lasagna.

- The oven Jag was using was broken & Jag got really upset.  They were forced to fry their food.


- WINNER OF PRESENTATION & FOOD:  JAG & Paul.(frying was good thing)

SAFE:  Paul, JAG, Amy & Rory.

- BOTTOM:  Adrien & Michael.


EPISODE #6:  Alton's Classroom.                                                                5 Left.

START OFF:  In the Carriage House.

ARRIVED AT:  Food Network - Alton Brown is there & Guest Judge.

CHALLENGE:  Have 3 bags of rice in front with 3 ingredients for them.  30 minutes to tell a story, create a dish, and 3 minutes to demo it.  With limit pantry.

- Amy:  Veal Cutlet, Oyster Mushroom & Popcorns,

- Paul:  Calamari, Fennel, & Persimmon,

- Jag:  Shrimp, Snow Peas, & Corn Flakes,

- Adrien:  Flounder, Japanese Eggplant & Peanut Butter,

- Rory:  Minute Steak, Red Radish & Dried Prunes.

NEXT CHALLENGE:  Least Favorite Food.

- Design an original dish that glorifies the ingredient, then design a demo for 5 minutes in front live to camera with no stops.  Write out a script with 4 talking points.

BACK AT THE CARRIAGE HOUSE:    Amy is home sick & start to cry.

NEXT DAY:  45 minutes to prep your dish.

- Jag again, blames other for his mistake.  He didn't order something.

- Amy cut her finger.


- Jag - want to cook high end food & have too many ingredients, hard to follow,

- Rory - Didn't cook anything or demo any food,

- Paul:  too nervous & silly,

- Adrien - didn't plan or cook  the main ingredient,

- Amy was too homesick.

SAFE:  Paul & Amy.

BOTTOM:  Jag (I don't what committee see in him) Rory & Adrien.



EPISODE #7:  Iron Chef Showdown.                                              4 Left.  

START OFF:  ????????

The remaining four finalists try to be Iron Chefs! Alton Brown hosts two battles where each finalist must create three dishes in one hour.  Each get a surprise?/????            

EPISODE #8:  Meet the Press.                                                                 3    Left.

The final three are invited to the Rachael Ray show & to perform their signature dish..  The voting is now open to the public.    

EPISODE #9:  Finale.                                                                                    2   Left.

They are flown to Miami cook at the Food Network South Beach Food & Wine Festival.  Then it's back to New York  where the winner is revealed.                

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